Saturday, June 6, 2009

Back to the real world.

I accomplished a bit of a feat this week.

My mother sees it as a bout of insanity....

I read all FOUR Twilight books in a matter of a couple days. Over 2400 pages, I believe. And if I had not given the first one back to Rachel, I would be tempted to start them all over once again.

I'm hooked. It's seriously ridiculous. I just finished the last one this morning, and have had a hard time dragging myself away from Forks, Washington and the Cullen family and back into the real world. Y'know, where my FAMILY lives.



Sarah said...

LOL!! Well thanks for venturing out of Forks for my birthday activities! (Neither of which happened to involve your family, lol).

Anonymous said...

haha. you're right...i must really like you ;-)

Jocelyn said...

Its okay, after getting home on Friday night, I started all over again!

Z-girl said...

They are so addicting! I took two weeks to read them. :-)