Sunday, May 10, 2009

speaking of songs that make us weep....

Kari - this is for you. Get your tissues handy ;-)
I can't even read the lyrics without getting choked up, but in typical female fashion...
I just can't get enough of this song by Plumb.

your baby blues
so full of wonder
your curly-q's
your contagious smile
and as i watch
you start to grow up
all I can do is hold you tight

clouds will rage and
storms will race in
but you will be safe
in my arms
rains will pour down
waves will crash around
but you will be safe
in my arms

story books are full of fairy tales
of kings and queens and the bluest skies
but my heart is torn
just in knowing
you'll someday see
the truth from lies
when the

clouds will rage and
storms will race in
but you will be safe
in my arms
rains will pour down
waves will crash around
but you will be safe
in my arms

Castles they might crumble
dreams may not come true
but you are never all alone
because I will always
always love you

when the
clouds will rage and
storms will race in
but you will be safe
in my arms
rains will pour down
waves will crash around
but you will be safe
in my arms

in my arms


I thank God for all of you amazing women in my life.
I love you all.


Sarah said...

OMGoodness yes. Kari sang that last Mother's Day and she hardly made it through. I always tear up at that song! My baby DOES have curly Q's! :( It's the perfect song to describe raising a child!

Kari said...

This is a GREAT song!!! Sarah is right...i started crying while singing that last year on Mom's Day. One of my favorites & I still tear up every time I hear it. sniff, sniff!

Laur said...

Oh man, I must've missed that last year, I do not remember that at all! But i totally get the tearing up ;-)