Monday, November 10, 2008

i need a shower.

10 Things I did Today:
  1. Made meatloaf for the first time. It wasn't perfect, but it was yummy!!
  2. Finished my 5E (HUGE science project) with my two classmates today
  3. Gave Milo a bath and got really wet. He splashed me. Repeatedly
  4. Beat up a vending machine.
  5. Laughed really hard.
cute story: Milo, my mom and I were playing in his room. I asked him to go get his shoes, so he grabbed one and walked a few steps away with a really concerned look on his face. My mom said, "I wonder what he's thinking about" and he looked right at her and very clearly said "shoes". Duh, grandma. haha :-)

6. Broke the dish washer. Yeah, you're not supposed to put liquid dish soap in a
dishwasher. hmm. who knew. :-P
7. Bought cute kitchen towels. They made me deliriously happy :-D
8. Woke up at 7:45 today. I'm supposed to be at my school at 8. Luckily, it was Institute Day,
so there were no kids. Still...whoops. :-P
9. Waited 15 minutes in line at the drive thru at Taco John's. Ridiculous.
10. Read random blogs of random people. :) For the last 1/2 hour :)

and that was my day. Tomorrow, I have off. YIPPPEEEE :)

oh and I have a picture for today, but I took it on my cell phone and my micro SD adapter is...packed. :-/ Deric is currently on a hunt for his.

ETA: pic for today...
my, what blue eyes you have....


Sarah said...

Congrats on the meatloaf. Paula Deen has a YUMMY bacon cheeseburger meatloaf recipe that is waaay good- and I'm sure in NO way healthy. Def call me tomorrow. I have a few errands here and there but our planned/impromptu playday sounds fun!Toodles!

Laur said...

haha. planned/impromptu. :) like it. yeah i have a few errands to run in the am. and we're taking deric out to lunch for his birthday...ill call ya after that. probably around 2ish? :)

paula deen's recipe sounds yummy. gimme. :)