Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Just a quick one tonight

It feels so good to be able to take a deep breath and say that I am almost DONE with this semester. After these finals are over, the rest of my college courses will be a breeze. Starting in January, I'll be student teaching, and then only a few more classes (one semester) until graduation! I can NOT wait. Oh boy. I just finished my HUGE science project, complete with 8 page reflection. I only have two more quick entries in my science journals to complete and then im done with that too. *sigh* it's been a long week, but it's almost over. I am so looking forward to relaxing next week....even to having a houseful of people on Thanksgiving *smile*

All right. My pictures for today were taken a few days ago...but I never got around to posting them because they were on my phone. :-) Enjoy.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Aren't you glad clinicals and this semester are over? What super cute pictures! Milo has such a bubbly personality and the cutest grin ;)