Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Adventures of Milo and "Dex"

Just a boy and his kitty...
Milo looooves Deric's kitty Lexi (whom we "adopted" when we moved in). The first thing Milo does when we get home every night, and when he wakes up every morning, is walk around the house calling "Dex, dex?" It's ridiculously cute and almost worth the millions of sneezes that kitty has caused :-P (mine, not his)
I was uploading pictures from their adventure to Shedd Aquarium this morning (Destin, Milo and a bunch of our nieces and nephews took a day trip yesterday...i had class :( :( ) when I realized that Milo was being awfully quiet....never good for a curious toddler!!! I went to investigate his whereabouts and found him on the third step to the second floor...contentedly curled up and playing with Deric's "clock" (his watch). I startled him when I walked up (darn these creaky floors!), but I got a pretty good shot anyway

I stalked the two of them for awhile as they torn apart a box full of packing peanuts. :-x Lexi likes to play "fetch" and milo loves to throw, so its a nice relationship for them both.
Some more results of our impromptu photo shoot...

Quiet days like today make me so grateful for my life. They give me time to reflect. I have a beautiful son, and a wonderful husband. We have supportive family that accepts us, and an adorable little house. Yep, we have everything we need. Yes, life is crazy and stressful often....but mornings like these make me stop and remember the little things in life that I love so much. :-)

And now, grocery shopping. :-) But before I leave, a quick recap of the last...5 days? (eek). that I haven't posted. Enjoy ;-) and don't forget to remember those little things today <3

The "ball basket" is a staple of our living room. As mentioned before, Milo LOVES to throw. To encourage this habit, and discourage throwing other things (such as Little People, Peek-a-blocks, mommy's camera *smile*...) we collected all of his balls in a basket. His favorite thing to do is empty the ENTIRE basket on the flooor. oh, boy. I love you. :-)


My clinical class went on a field trip last Wednesday to the Loves Park City Hall where they had a very nice Veterans Day Memorial service. It was very interesting and my kids had a BLAST walking around outside looking at the different memorials. :-) I love these kids!

Milo's new airplane. Thanks, Nana Lorri!!! :-D
Milo and his cousins (and Aunt Rachel) at the Shedd Aquarium. They had a blast!
(Makayla, Milo, Kiersten, Isa, Gabi and Carlitos)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

LOVE it all- just so much to comment on, lol!! I SO have to come to your new place, can't wait to see it!