Sunday, November 9, 2008

I call it... shoe mountain.

Mount Shoe.

clearly, my closet eats shoes. There is no other possible explanation for how all of these shoes managed to end up in there. There's absolutely no way I could have bought and kept and WORN all of these shoes....sheesh. :-P

I was a busy bee tonight. Here's the "after" picture of that little project :)
Yay. No more digging around on my hands and knees at 7am to find my missing brown pump. :)

Onto more exciting news (not that footwear, and my clear fetish with it, isn't fascinating...) - went out for Jeni's bday last night. Good times, yummy food, and delish drinks. a good night. Here's the highlight reel, for your viewing pleasure....

Happy Birthday, Jeni :-)

And just a few more silly ones of mr. bubby. :)
I love this kid. :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I feel the same way about my shoes! And besides my rediculous amount of Locals, I really do wear all my shoes. Good job on getting organized, my house is slowly being eaten by whatever created your shoe mountain, lol! Last night was fun!! And now I am a Woodchuck fan too- ahh, the Old Chicago nights I see in our future lol! LOVE LOVE the pics of Milo! I miss him!!!!!