Friday, May 8, 2009

I have a confession

It's not one of those life-changing "i'm-actually-a-man" confessions, so fear not.


I really, really, reallyreallyreallyreallyreally
like staying home. :)

I said it.

As much as I love teaching and the thrill of a lesson gone well, and the look of excitement on a student's face when they finally GET IT....

I like sitting outside, watching my sun play in the dirt, feeling the warm sun on my face (and my seriously sun-deprived, ghastly legs), knowing I don't really have anywhere to go or anything to do or 26 little minds (and voices and...activities) to be in charge of


I don't even miss my [obnoxiously hot] classroom.
how awful ;-)


Sarah said...

I fully agree! Let's be stay at home mommies with teaching degrees :)!!

Laur said...

haha! heck yeah :-) teaching degrees that have so much blood, sweat and tears in them they should be their own person :-P

Z-girl said...

Nothing wrong with that, my friends. You are both amazing mom's and wives. In another season of life those teaching degrees will pay dividends. But for now, God is smiling on the ways you are investing in your families and playing with your babies, and loving your spouses. All of those roles serve a grand purpose that will last beyond our years here. You are rock stars!

Z-girl said...

And yes, this is how far behind I am in my blog reading. I must get an RSS feed set up so I am reminded to check daily!